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Orange Table Network

Business owners and managers often face alone the responsibility that comes with the choices related to critical issues, opportunities and innovation; choices often complicated by the uncertainty of the future, interpretation of the law, the outcome of litigation as well as regulatory, political, economic and social changes. We are on new paths to make our clients feel stronger, more supported, safe and protected.

The ideal answer is to build each time a “tailor-made” team of professionals with diverse and complementary expertise, a team that is also close-knit and effective.

The main multidisciplinary consulting model being in use in today’s professional world is that of large national or multinational firms with pyramid organisation structure.

This model, however, has some flaws:

  • efficiency: the organisational complexity and the high operating costs of large structures lead to higher fees charged to the Client and also make these structures less flexible and dynamic;
  • quality: the existence of a number of hierarchical levels (from junior consultant to partner) makes it difficult to control the quality of professional services.

We decided to go beyond the pyramid organisational model, launching out on a horizontal structure. A Professional Network.

We then selected the field professionals who met the highest quality standards in the various areas of specialisation, who also demonstrated a higher professional synergy, in order to form multi-specialty professional tables built to suit the client.

Thus was born ORANGE TABLE Professional Network, the network in which individual professionals are integrated, like the segments of an orange, round the advisory board that would offer integrated multi-expertise.

Author Profile

Al centro del nostro lavoro c’è la persona. Studio Legale Di Nella è specializzato nel Diritto delle Famiglie, Diritto Internazionale della Famiglia, Diritto Collaborativo, Diritto della Persona, Diritto dei Minori, Diritto Penale Minorile, Sottrazioni internazionali dei Minori, Diritto delle Successioni e Donazioni e Diritto dell’Immigrazione.

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