


With a degree in Literature and Philosophy at the University of Milan and in Psychology at the Sapienza University of Rome, Colombo specialized in Psychotherapy and was trained at the European School of Psychoanalysis (Italian Section). He has worked in the forensic field, in the recovery of people suffering from drug addiction and of sex offenders. He worked in communities as an educator for people suffering from psychiatric conditions and in the Italian Associations for the study and the research on bulimia, anorexia and eating disorders in Bologna. For 12 years he has been an honorary Judge for the Juvenile Court of Milan. He practices psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Milan; Colombo also gives lectures for the local police, for correction facilities, for mediation organisms and for the Superior Council of Magistracy. He is the author of several publications by Franco Angeli, Unicopli, Mondadori, Astrolavio and Arcipelago Edizioni.
